Sunday 1 February 2015

Response to Nefarious

Recently we watched a movie about sex slavery called Nefarious and then we were challenged by one of the students to do something about it. He pointed out that if we don't act upon the feelings that we have from watching it, we will become numb to them in the future. This is true of many things in my life. I have reasoned my way out of things that I probably should have done something about, no matter how little. So I am writing this in response to the movie.
For a few years now I have had a burden about the men in my life. I would ask myself "what are you doing to help them become men whose heart is after God's?" I believe this came about because of the view of men that had been fed to me by the world. I hated it and I remember thinking if guys were truly like how we are told, then I never wanted to marry one. I refused to be used and taken advantage of. So I wanted to make sure that my brothers would become men who reflected the heart of God. I wanted them to be men that a girl would someday feel protected by and not used by. I think this is where I will start.
I will do my best, with God's help to encourage my brothers to become men who won't be the one's aiding in the demand of such a business. I want to be someone who holds them to a higher standard; the one they are made to reach. I want to be a sister who points them to the One who makes all of this possible. And one day if God blesses me with sons, I want to raise them in such a way that partaking in such activities would be a temptation that they can resist because they reflect the heart of God.

So girls, one thing we can do to stop such atrocities from happening is by helping heal the hearts of the guys in our lives. We can encourage them to be different from what the world says. If the demand for prostitutes, porn and such goes away then so will the need for girls to be sold into slavery. We can show them what girls really want in a guy because the world lies. We can build them up and stop tearing them down. We can let them and encourage them to be the men God made them to be.