Thursday 6 November 2014

Pain and Joy

Perhaps no part of the cost of being a foreign missionary is greater than the loneliness. The alien experiences a sense of utter isolation, and is tempted to cling with greater tenacity to others of his own language and culture.~ A Chance to Die, Elizabeth Elliot
I might not be a missionary but being in a foreign country with people of different cultures and languages, I can relate to this quote. I have noticed myself hanging out with the North American crowd more and more because it is easier than trying to learn the language and culture of the others. I do see the error in this. I love the people of the other cultures as much as the North Americans. I wish to get to know them and their languages by the time that we are to leave. I want to be able to talk to them in a language where they feel comfortable and able to express themselves. I pray for the opportunities to learn.
The loneliness that comes from being in a country not that of my childhood is not a sad loneliness but a happy one, if that makes any sense. It does not leave me saddened at the end of the night but grateful that I have a chance to lean more upon the familiarity that Christ brings. Plus the isolation isn’t as bad as that which is talked about in the text due to the fact that there are 23 other Canadians here as well J
Through all of this God is cleaning me out. It hurts but I needed to leave in order for it to happen. To be surrounded by His words, presence and people who are also seeking Him at the cost of a year of normal life, is an amazing environment to be cleansed. My view of my sin hasn’t changed, it’s just become clearer. The lectures this week have magnified all the things that I have been forgetting about the character of Christ.
Reading about Solomon and David have a way of taking off the blinders. To hear about the raw honesty of both of them convicts me of my complacency. It shows me of the compromises that I have let into my life: the things that I have reasoned my conscious quite on. It shines a light on the darkness of my heart. For that I am thankful.
Including this and many times where I laughed until I couldn’t breathe. these past few weeks have been amazing! I have learnt knew things and grown in my love for those around me and most of all the God who brought me here. I have come to appreciate those things that He has blessed me with and embrace the things that are new. I am content to be shaped by Him and to be wherever He calls me to be.